Starting Over

I have exciting news, blogosphere. But I don't want to share it with you just yet, in case it doesn't go through the way I'm hoping it will. 

Oh, the mystery!  The intrigue!  Feel free to leave guesses in the comments. 

In other news, ASL 102 finishes on Tuesday.  I'm hoping enough people have registered for 103 that they decide to run the class.  I'd hate to lose my backup option.

I still need to get in touch with the U of W.  If I can't get a hold of them by Monday, I think I will just skip the phone call and throw everything I have at them, whether they need it or not. 

Not much else to share on my end, except of course for the Big Exciting News (that may or may not come to fruition). 

I look forward to your comments! (Did you catch on to my hint there?)

Much love,


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