Starting Over


Do ambulance drivers have to memorize street maps of the surrounding area(s) before they are allowed to drive the ambulance?

What happens if an ambulance driver gets lost on the way to an pick up a patient?  Are there backup drivers or ambulances ready in case this happens?

What about ambulance drivers in large cities?  Are they responsible for the entire city, or for only a certain radius from their hospital?

I am curious.  Does anyone know the answers to these questions? 

(An ambulance just drove by on the highway with its lights and siren on, in case anyone is wondering what prompted this post)


My website statistics page says that I had somewhere in the region of 65 pageviews yesterday, wow!  Certainly wasn't expecting to see that many. 

I've received a few lovely comments from people who have seen this website, and it's truly heartwarming to hear from everyone!  It's amazing to think that a person can just throw a few words up on a tiny corner of the internet and connect with people all over the world. 

The connection is really what I was looking for when I started this website (it's funny how I say that as though I've been doing this for ages, when it's only been maaaaybe a week) and so far I have been very pleasantly surprised by how many people I've heard from and how many other blogs I've been introduced to through Weebly. 

That being said, I would love to hear from you if you're checking out the website!  Even if you hate it, let me know what you think I can improve.  Or even just introduce yourself.  Meeting new people is great fun!

If I were to end my blog posts with a question (such as this one!), would it inspire you to leave a comment? What other things could I do to make this blog/website more interesting?  Let me know! ♥


I had great things planned for today.

I was going to get up nice and early, have a shower, run some errands... pick up and fill out a job application, buy parking passes for when I start up evening courses at the college.

I read a couple articles in a recent Maclean's this morning that I wanted to write a blog post on.

I had a discussion with my family over supper that I also felt like writing something about. 

Does it look like I've done any of that?

No. Instead of doing something productive (or even semi-productive) with all my free time, I spent the day reading Harry Potter fanfiction and making half-assed posts on avatar forums. 

I also spent quite a bit of time feeling sorry for myself. This seems to be a frequent occurrence these days, and I hope it's only because I'm PMSing or something.  I don't particularly enjoy feeling put out, especially when I know that I don't really have anything to complain about.  Yes, my life has been thrown around recently because of these medical issues.  Yes, there are certain aspects of my life that suck hardcore right now, but there's nothing that I can do about it.  And there's no point in crying over spilled milk, right?  But sometimes that's all I feel like doing.  I just want to feel sorry for myself, I want to throw myself a pity party, I want to gorge on all these high-fat, high-carb foods, I want to be a whiney, weepy, pathetic mess.  I want someone that I can be a whiney, weepy, pathetic mess with - without feeling guilty about it! 

But then, that's wishful thinking.  It's time to be an adult now, and I guess that means learning to deal with this on my own. 

I'm trying, guys.


I finished reading The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Laroux this morning while I was eating breakfast.  I've had the novel in my possession for over a year now, and finally decided to crack it open the other day.  I had been putting it off because someone (I can't remember who at this point) told me it was a difficult read, and I have been feeling more like "light and fluffy" material lately. 

I would like to make it known that The Phantom of the Opera  is not a difficult read at all.  It is, in fact, one of the easier novels I have read in the past two months.  Its competition consisted of Jane Eyre and Northanger Abbey, and it will be followed by Language in Society (a textbook that I didn't get the chance to use).

I'm not sure what I'll read after I finish the textbook - by then, the textbook for my ASL course should have arrived in the mail, so I'll probably take a look at that.  I need to start practicing my French and German again, and I do have copies of the Lord of the Rings in French, so maybe I will give that another try.  I have a philosophy book entitled Die Sprache der Moral that I've been eager to look at, but my level of German comprehension is nowhere near high enough to be able to apprecite it fully.  I need to get my hands on some young-adult books in German!


So I'm very fond of this new Advanced Editing feature that Weebly has given us.  I like that my links don't have to be blue anymore!  Unfortunately, there has been a small snag. 

Hover over the title of this blog post. 

See it?  See the blue?  I can't make it go away. :(

Can anyone help me, please? 


I woke up this morning to achy, throbbing, shake-y legs.  Not my favourite way to start the day, but what can I do about it?

I'll tell you what I can do - have a nice, long, hot shower!  That did the trick.  No more achy legs.  My day is looking up!

Got out of the shower, went on the computer for a bit - I played around with the new advanced options for the themes a little, do you like the new link colours? - decided I was hungry.  Came out of my room to the delicious smell of locally-grown pork sausage heating up in the oven.  My dad was kind enough to make me up an omelette with mushrooms, green onion, cheese, and some of said sausage. It was fantastic.

Did some dishes, watched a crazy squirrel pull some wicked stunts on the hanging birdfeeder - then, disaster struck!

Yes.  Disaster.

I decided to put some clothes through the wash.  Gathered them all together, went downstairs, fired up the washing machine - the usual.  Came back upstairs for a while, clicked around the internet.  Wasted time, basically. Aha! Time to toss my laundry!  Clomp clomp clomp down the stairs... open the dryer, throw in a Bounce sheet, t-shirt, jeans, a sock, some more socks...

I get to the bottom, and what do I see? 

My favourite bra.  With the underwire sticking about halfway out.

F*** my life. (Not really.  The bra can be fixed, it's just a pain to have to do so. And this is my blog, so I can whine if I want to. Deal with it.)

And it's only noon. Hopefully the day will get better from here!


Today I decided to start up a new blog, on a new website.  Mostly because I am sick of using Blogger.  Also, my mother follows my old blog and there are some things that she really doesn't need to know about.  I'm not trying to hide things, per se, it's just a little stifling to know that there is always the possiblity of her reading over my shoulder, so to speak, and getting horribly offended.  It wasn't an issue when I was at university, but now that I'm living at home again I need to do everything I can to keep the drama at a minimum.

So, it looks like I'm going to spending the day getting this website and blog all set up and running!  Hopefully it isn't overly difficult, and then I might be able to feel as though I've accomplished something today.

I don't expect that this website and blog will get many hits for a good, long while.  I don't plan to give the link out to anyone until after my trip to Mount Allison in March, anyway, because I want to post about things on here that my friends at MTA shouldn't hear about before I get the chance to tell them in person. 

In a way, I guess, this blog/website conglomeration is entirely mine for the next month or so.  I'll have a chance to play around, get a system down... establish things for myself.  This is good.  Change is good.

I hope.